Super Skincare Package

Goddess Glow + Face Rejuvenation Courses

Get TWO courses at a special discounted price!

Course 1: Goddess Glow

The Goddess Glow course will give you all the tips, tools, and information I have used over the years to heal tens of thousands of people for better, brighter, more vibrant skin.

This is not a topical solution or a gimmick to “get better fast”. This course outlines how to heal underlying problems in the body that cause skin issues. This is real advice for real change that lasts beyond 30 days – if you wanted to, you could use these recommendations for the rest of your life.

What will you learn in the Goddess Glow course?

  • The best foods to incorporate into your diet for fresh, glowing skin
  • Essential oil combinations that rejuvenate the skin after winter
  • Product prowess: how to avoid toxic chemicals in the cosmetics aisle
  • How to get rid of acne, scarring, redness, and more
  • The best skin care tips using simple, clean ingredients
  • And more!

Course 2: Face Rejuvenation

The Face Rejuvenation course is for those wishing to dive deeper into how to use signals on the face to understand what is happening in other areas of the body. The face is like a blueprint for the body - knowing which areas of the face correspond to which areas of the body empowers you with a deeper understanding of your health issues.

What will you learn in the Face Rejuvenation course?

  • Which areas of the face correspond to different areas of the body
  • A specific treatment to heal those areas
  • Foods, teas, and supplements for healing
  • In-depth look at essential and carrier oils for healing the face and body
  • And more!

The treatment taught in this course helps erase mental imprints on the body, alleviate stress, relieve depression, clear and rejuvenate sinuses, improve eye health, and more. The Face Rejuvenation Course empowers you to take charge of your own health through knowledge and simple remedies.

These two courses are available individually here: Goddess Glow | Face Rejuvenation

But you can get both by saving 25% with this bundle package!

Full-price Goddess Glow: $65

Full-price Face Rejuvenation: $111

Both courses full price, together: $176

The Super Skincare Package: $132 (savings of $44!)

Your Instructor

Amber Bodily
Amber Bodily

Amber Bodily is a Master FootZonologist and Instructor, Master Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist and a Certified Biomagnetism Vitalist Practitioner. Amber has guided thousands of people on a healing path from chronic illness to vibrant health. She has an extensive understanding of the human body, and a keen intuition that pinpoints the root cause of symptoms & illness. She has studied with Tano Lucero, world renowned healer who developed the Lucero lymph massage technique. Certified in the Body Rejuvenation Diet, Amber is able to pinpoint root causes and heal the body on a cellular level to heal from chronic disease and illness. She is a Certified Biomagnetism Vitalist Practitioner through the Colegio Mexicano De Ajuste Bio-Magnético having learned how to protect and balance the body's vital energy. She has also participated in the Medical Medium Practitioner Support Service and is committed to using Anthony William’s protocols to supplement her other expertise. She is a Master Herbalist and Aromatherapist, and has learned ancient medicinal remedies from indigenous leaders.

Amber teaches FootZonology at Nordblom American Institute. Her passion and greatest desire is to empower you to heal and thrive not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually.

Courses Included with Purchase

Goddess Glow
How to get healthy, vibrant skin in 30 days
Amber Bodily
Face Rejuvenation
The Face Technique For Health Transformation
Amber Bodily

Original Price: $176

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Get started now!